Published By: Gutenberg
Genre: YA
Source: Bought
Everything changes in Fani's life when the opportunity arises to study for one year in another country . Making My Movie presents the fascinating universe of a girl full of expectations , having to decide between studies and an unexpected new love , or venture into another country and immerse yourself in a world full of new possibilities .
Reaction Upon Finishing:
I honestly don't know how to organize my thoughts....
Fani: As much as relateable and likeable she is, I found Fani kind of a drama queen. She would cry a lot. But I don't think that's ''bad'' because many sixteen year olds cry like her, and I'm also a drama queen I can't complain.
Leo: Why can't boys be like him in real life! #bookbloggerprobs
Marquinho: Disgusting is all I can say, Disgusting with a capital D!
Gabi: She is easily one of my favorite characters, and that's because I saw what I want to be; fearless.
Things I Didn't Like:
*crickets chirping*
Things I Loved:
How Fani was going to study abroad, because that's something I want to do. And I can't wait to here about the times she has studying abroad in the next book!
How Fani is interested in the film industry, because so am I!
The love! I'm in love with their love!

Huge probability!

Final Word:
This is a great summer read!
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